I started a fun, light Latin curriculum with Becca called Song School Latin. It just teaches simple words and phrases with songs. I figured Sylvia would enjoy hearing the songs too, so I let the girls listen together. Yesterday's lesson was on asking someone's name and saying "My name is..." and sometime in the middle of the night when I wasn't sleeping, I thought the girls would get a kick out of their animal friends talking Latin to them. So Sylvia woke up early this morning and while I had her in the bedroom hanging out, I made Meow-Meow say, "Quid est tuum praenomen? Meum praenomen est Meow-Meow!" Sylvia giggled a little bit and then said, "Unfortunately, cats don't talk."
Becca's electronic puppy from last Christmas was starting to run down and she wasn't wagging her tail or shaking her head anymore. Becca determined that she needed new batteries, so I told Becca that Pixie needed to see a veterinarian. Becca said, "Mommy, Pixie's not a real dog!"
I got busted today by Becca... I've had this great Braves cartoon by Mike Luckovich on the fridge for the past couple of years.

So, into the archives it goes... Kind of funny though.