Other highlights from today:
Sylvia marching around while singing along with the Latin songs. Why does this seem so out of reach for preschoolers? I think Song School Latin, at least the songs and vocabulary, would be completely doable with a small 4 year old class. Or maybe I just don't know 4 year olds very well. One of the songs says, "If you bump into a little man and make him spill his tea, say ignosce mihi." Becca said, "But what if he doesn't speak Latin?"
Right Start math - I just got Level B and after a brief period of mild panic, I think we can do this. We - Becca and I. I could do Singapore, maybe Becca just couldn't. So far our Right Start results are promising. Becca asks to do math first almost every day. She loves the card games and really seems to be getting it. Maybe it's because we went back and are re-doing things we already covered in our Singapore experiment, or maybe RS has a better touch. All I know is that Sylvia - SYLVIE, my 4 year old - is starting to remember number pairs that make ten. Yes, "Go to the Dump" really is that great.
Speaking of Sylvia, she took a ton of books off the shelf and just started to read them. She counted them and had in the neighborhood of 22. She's starting to truly take off in her reading and become a little more fluent, less halting.
I just love the little things in homeschooling. The silly, strange moments you'd never get with any other experience.

We're almost done with our Mommy-designed human body studies and I'm making preparations for a short unit on plants. Very short, as in, how can we get this stuff in before Mommy kills all our specimens? I just killed a batch of three seedlings we were growing "just for fun." *rolls eyes at self*