Look, Mom, homeschooling's FUN!
This is the culmination of our first sort of official science unit. The general ocean life theme was strictly for fun; the whale unit was for real. We read encyclopedia entries, picture-filled books, created a whale mobile, and baked some cookies. Science is a blast when you're five, isn't it?
Our next unit is on frogs. I was going to cover seals and penguins next, but Becca got so excited about having a frog that I went ahead and ordered our tadpole. Unfortunately, she morphed really quickly, and the girls missed it completely since they were visiting Grandma. But they still get the fun of feeding our two little grow-a-frogs, Tommy and Rosie. I'll have to get some pictures soon. Tommy is about three times bigger than Rosie - he was the free froglet friend that came with our stage two set. Rosie looks so tiny and delicate next to him! They're getting along well though.
Updates, changes, etc.... Sylvia is still stubbornly resisting the potty, so it's looking very unlikely that she'll be going to preschool in the fall. As much as one can ask a three year old a question and get an answer, I asked if she wanted to go to preschool and she said no. I was shocked!! I guess I wasn't thinking - just because Becca had a blast at preschool doesn't mean that Sylvia would want to go. The girls' best friend and Becca's 3 yr. teacher are leaving too, which doesn't give Sylvie any motivation at all. She says she wants me to be her teacher too... I didn't bargain for that much!
And thank Bush... or the oil companies, or whomever you'd like to personally flog for the outrageous gas prices - we're not going to be able to do the aforementioned Fine Arts Fridays. I'm upset, but I saw it coming. Between the tuition and the 50 mile (one way) drive, it would cost us way more per month than we could possibly pay. So now I get to make full use of the fine arts center in our town and whatever else I can find in the area. I'm nervous about being out on my own. I know there are other homeschoolers locally; maybe we'll come out of the closet and band together for a little fun.
Finally, there's nothing like the prospect of teaching your own child to get you to want to polish up your own learnin'! So I'm reading some classic literature and an ancient history overview. I also want to take Latin and logic courses (self-taught at home). This whole classical approach is the education I wanted and envisioned when I was about 15. I just wish I'd learned about it years ago. I would have been able to do so much extra learning if I'd even realized these things were available!
Sylvia and that hat....cracks me up!
I know I've said it over and over again, you have beautiful girls!
Where did you get the grow-a-frog thing? I think my kids would love that.
Amber, your blog is great! You'll be so happy to have this "journal" later down the road when you want to remember what you taught when! It looks like you're all having so much fun with this. Don't worry about the Fine Arts...you'll figure out a way to teach them what they need to know using the resources at hand : )
You have a great blog! I'm going to link it to mine if you don't mind. I have a 5 year old as well, though not quite as advanced as yours. You have a lot of the same curriculum that I have or will get at some point.
Have fun!
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