Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The frog probably never knew what hit him...

Here is Becca's rendition of a snake about to eat a red-eyed tree frog. The black thing on the left is a "tree stump filled with water." What kills me is the expression on that frog's face!!

1 comment:

Ck said...

What a smart little girl you have! I love HWOT, all three of my kids have had great success with it. I have to give you a ton of credit Amber, you've really hit the ground running, and it sounds like homeschooling is going to be a great success for you and your girls.
Congrats to Becca on the gymnastics front. Caroline loved watching the Olympic Trials, and we're both looking forward to watching the Games in August.
As for Miss Sylvia.....she'll get there. *hugs*